Appraising in Delaware, the Blog...

Education is important no matter what field you go into, including appraising. It is not something that can be easily picked up without proper training and practice. While the jobs may differ you can try to think of it this way – Licensed Appraiser versus Certified Appraiser can compare to a veterinary assistant and veterinary technician or a pharmacy technician and a licensed pharmacy technician. They jobs are similar in what they handle but the more training they have done the more knowledgeable they are. 

A licensed residential appraiser is the first level of appraising, you are able to appraise one to four-unit residential structure for up to $1,000,000 and other complex structures that are less than $250,000. After you become licensed you can take further coursework to become certified. Certified appraisers can appraise all one to four-unit residential structures and complex structures that go past limitations that licensed appraisers may have. This means certified appraisers have more wiggle room in what they can look at and appraise. 

You want someone who has all their I's dotted and T's crossed and is going to give you the best appraisal possible. This can truly only happen through furthering their education, where they get fine tuned training to help them do what only they can do - be an unbiased party who gives information on the home to prove a valuation of the property. 


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