Appraising is a business that includes busy times as well as slower times and it’s always a good idea to have a back up list of “to do’s” for the times when there is a lull in the work coming in. Especially when you have employees working underneath you that are there to help out. You are paying them, usually hourly, and you want to get something out of that.
The list doesn’t have to be incredibly specific but should give an outline of the most important things to work on and then it can trickle down to the less important stuff that usually won’t get touched by most, if any of your employees, because every slow down picks back up.
Here are a few things we do around the office when things slow down for us:
Checking the accounting and following up on any overdue payments
Updating E&O, coverage, upcoming vacation times and other information with AMC’s
Update email templates
Update social media
Organize folders
Delete/Organize files that are no longer used
Clean office area and desks
Check in with other blogs to see what peers are saying
Anything that can help things move smoother when the appraisals start rolling in and allow your employees to be an asset to the company are always worth adding to the list. What are some of your back up list items?